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Educational resources

Amanda has a reputation for providing excellent, evidence-based teaching, in a wide range of settings.  She is committed to advancing the field of vestibular rehab and regularly teaches evening training sessions, national 1-2 day courses, and other educational opportunities for the wider Multidisciplinary team.   She also teaches on UCL MSc programs.


If you are interested in hosting a course, seminar or online event, please get in touch.  


She has written articles for the vestibular physiotherapy networks journal (Balance Focus) and presented posters at national therapy and vestibular medicine conferences. 


Amanda completed a Masters in Research of Clinical Practice in 2015 at St Georges University on BPPV, funded by the National Institute of Health Research.  She is involved in several research activities relating to dizziness and balance, and has published the following papers:


“Vestibular dysfunction: a frequent problem in adult mitochondrial disease”

Published in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, November 2018



“A survey of current management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) by physiotherapists’ interested in vestibular rehabilitation in the UK”

Published in Journal of Physiotherapy, September 2018



“Adult Periodic Alternating Nystagmus Masked by Involuntary Head Movements”

Published in Frontiers in Neurology

DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00326


Short session teaching

Examples of teaching topics include:

  • Vestibular migraine and VRT

  • BPPV practical workshops

  • Vestibular assessment practical workshops

  • Balance and gait theory sessions - normal, pathology, ageing and challenging the sensory contributions

  • Vestibular system in postural control

  • Vestibular rehabilitation

  • BPPV

Day courses

Examples of topics include:

  • Vestibular rehabilitation in Neurological conditions (1 day)

  • Vestibular rehabilitation for Neuro-physiotherapists with BPPV (2 day)

  • Vestibular rehabilitation: a practical approach (1 day)

  • Vestibular rehabilitation study day - treatment approaches, progressions, innovations and the evidence (1 day)

  • Introduction to vestibular rehabilitation (1 day)

  • BPPV for physiotherapists (1 day)

Teaching testimonials

July 2020, Online

Vestibular migraine webinar

Clear and thorough information. Excellent presentation. Excellent organisation.  Added bonus that i could so it whilst sitting at home! No travel time !

July 2020, Online

Vestibular migraine webinar

Great use of screen sharing, clear slides. - Could hear Amanda very clearly. - Good use of chat function to be able to comment like you would face to face and discuss points with others.

July 2020, Online

Vestibular migraine webinar

In-depth information about a condition that is difficult to treat/manage


Well balanced content with time allocated to each section.

November 2019, Richmond

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Amazing course - information will be really useful.  Very informative packs and pre-course reading.  Good use of case studies to consolidate knowledge from day one.

November 2019, Richmond

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Delivered well, incredibly knowledgeable.  Fantastic theory content, open to questions at anytime and good balance of practicals. 

November 2019, Richmond

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Very good presenter, approachable for questions and gave answers using evidence-base and clinical examples. 

October 2019, Belfast

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Excellent lecturer - very knowledgeable and made everything very clear.  Practicals allowed us to gain confidence in putting theory into practice.   Amanda created a positive supportive learning environment 

October 2019, Belfast

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Excellent course - a lot of information fitted into 2 days.  Applied anatomy with excellent explanations.  Well organised, and evidence-based handouts. 

October 2019, Belfast

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

I have done previous VR courses, but Amanda's handouts, presentation skills and case studies brought everything together.  She covered conditions not included on other courses and tailored the course to MSK and Neuro colleagues really well.   

February 2019, Eastbourne

February 2019, Eastbourne

BPPV study morning

Amanda took time to make the diagnosis and treatment choice very clear and easy to understand.  A good mixture of theory and practical.  It was great!

February 2019, Eastbourne

BPPV study morning

Much clearer than previous courses i have been on with regards to BPPV. 

Fantastic presenter - inspiring!

February 2019, Eastbourne

BPPV study morning

Approachable and knowledgeable tutor, brilliant presentation style.  Specific to physio and a clear evidence-based course.  Very valuable course.  

17th November 2018, Portsmouth

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

I liked the mixed structure of theory and practical.  Great to have a speakers so knowledgable and enthusaistic

17th November 2018, Portsmouth

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

Content was excellent along with delivery.  Best course I've been on in a long time.

17th November 2018, Portsmouth

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

Very knowledgable specialist clinician who tool time to answer questions.  An excellent course!

7th July 2018, Petersfield

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

Loved the course!  The neuro background of Amanda meant it was tailored more to my understanding and client group. 

7th July 2018, Petersfield

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

A brilliant course, very clearly presented.  Very, very inspiring!

7th July 2018, Petersfield

Vestibular physiotherapy for neurological physiotherapists – a practical approach

Approachable tutor  - Amanda is inspiring! A well structured course moving from assessment to treatment

24th June 2018, Manchester

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Excellent theoretical framework and evidence base.  Very good practical sessions.  Excellent tutor with a problem solving, holistic approach.  Great course.  Highly relevant and applicable to clinical practice.

24th June 2018, Manchester

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Very knowledgable and approachable tutor, lots of repetition to consolidate and ensure understanding for a variety of levels of knowledge.  Very helpful handouts and resources.   Thank you for a wonderful course which was excellently presented!

24th June 2018, Manchester

2-day vestibular rehabilitation course

Fantastic teaching style - so easy to follow and understand .  Very approachable and happy to answer all questions to include during lunch and breaks.  Invaluable!

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